Monday, March 14, 2016

Life Just Sometimes Gets In The Way!

It’s been awhile since our last blog! When you’ve got three women, two young boys, three jobs, a running schedule, community and church happenings, relatives, friends and assorted “stuff” ... Well ... What we’re trying to say is, life gets in the way!! Generally, we are focused and working hard. Every day we’re doing something for 3 Broads Abroad Volunteering. Let’s face it, things go sideways and this blog gets put on the back burner!

Since our last post, we made and sold Christmas ornaments, had another restaurant night - this time at Florentine’s Grill in Fullerton, had a Yoga class run by our amazing friend Eve del Rosario, ran a Super Bowl pool, sold Noir Naturals and continued to collect dimes, ink/toner cartridges, and magazines/catalogsWe brainstormed more fundraising ideas and did the “behind the scenes” work on a lot of upcoming fundraisers we’re really excited about. Wow, it’s exhausting just thinking about all of it. We certainly have not been idle!

We are learning and growing along the way. We’ve learned to be patient with each other, how to communicate with each other, and how to capitalize on each of our strengths. We’ve grown closer and truly enjoy our time together. We could not imagine our lives without each other. We truly look forward to our times together - to plan, to laugh, and to share! We're all such talkers and with such full, complex lives there's always so much to go over - the new things in our paths, what distracted us, and what is inspiring and motivating us. We know for sure that this is a powerful group of women with a lot of fascinating and creative ideas and experiences to share!

So what’s on the agenda this coming Spring and Summer? We had hoped to plan another pool for March Madness, but there were too many barriers that got in the way. We decided to focus our energy on an afternoon of wine tasting and a silent auction (&/or raffles) at District Wine in Long Beach Sunday 05.01.16, an Angel game, and jello shots at Mine Shaft in Long Beach! We'll definitely have more restaurant nights, garage sales, and other fun and interesting things we expect you’ll enjoy. We hope to blog more this year about our journey getting to Cuba. We will continue to share our experience FUNdraising, but we'll also include the why's of our journey. Why Cuba? Why First-Hand Aid? Why fundraising? Please stay tuned as we charge on!